4 Tips For A More Profitable Ophthalmology Practice

Reading Time: 5 minutes Looking for more ways to boost profitability at your ophthalmology practice? TRY OUR ROI CALCULATOR As we get closer to the end of 2019, it’s inevitable to start thinking about what you can do to improve your eye care practice in the year to come. For those working in the ophthalmology industry, many wonder how…

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How to Make Better Decisions with Data at Your Orthopedic Practice

Reading Time: 4 minutes When it comes to data, you may think of code or endless numbers scrolling past you, like in the Matrix. But in an orthopedic office, the collection and use of data can help you make informed decisions, implement technology, and provide more for your patients. Keep reading for some ideas on how to make better…

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Seamless Integrations

Reading Time: 2 minutes This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, discusses the importance of seamless integrations with insights from Jordan Ward, the manager of Clearwave’s integration team. Eric: At Clearwave, we help hospitals and clinics automate eligibility verification, and collect data directly from patients. But in order to do that, we have to integrate with many, many…

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21st Century Expectations: A Walmart Case Study

Reading Time: 2 minutes This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, presents a Walmart Case Study that demonstrates 21st Century customer service expectations. Walmart began in 1950 when Sam Walton purchased his first store in Bentonville, Arkansas. It was called Walton’s 5-10. Today, Walmart has over 11,000 stores in 28 countries. People often talk about how companies born…

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The Rule of Thirds

Reading Time: 2 minutes This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, interviews Jewett Orthopaedic Clinic’s CEO, Jon Albert, who shares his insights about change management. Eric: We’ve talked a lot lately about change management. And I thought it was time for you to hear directly from one of our customers. Jon Albert is with Jewett Orthopedic Clinic in…

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Simplicity & Reliability Achieve Patient Adoption and Increase Patient Satisfaction

Reading Time: < 1 minute This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, introduces Darnell Brown, Clearwave’s Director of Software Engineering and they discuss how Clearwave approaches designing software solutions that have industry leading patient adoption. Transcript: Eric: Google Site Reliability and Engineering team has published a book. It’s commonly called the SRE Book. And in it, Google has explained…

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The Patient Will See You Now

Reading Time: 2 minutes This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, talks about Healthcare’s Gutenberg moment. As the printing press made possible dramatic changes in access to information, so to mobile technology is changing paradigms in healthcare. Transcript: In 2016, Eric Topol wrote a book titled “The Patient Will See You Now.” The future of medicine is in…

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Changing Minds is Key to Changing Results

Reading Time: < 1 minute This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, shares some wisdom from George Bernard Shaw that still rings true today. Changing minds is key to changing results. Transcript: Eric: Progress is impossible without change. And those that cannot change their minds, cannot change anything. So said George Bernard Shaw over 100 years ago and it…

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The Amazon Effect

Reading Time: < 1 minute This week Eric Anderson, Clearwave Chief Operating Officer, discusses the Amazon Effect and the impact it is having on healthcare. Today, I’d like to talk to you about the Amazon effect. Jeff Bezos understood long before anyone else that consumers love self-service, and they place a high value on their time. Why am I talking…

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