Top 3 Patient Communication Software Tips for Orthopedics Practices

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Effective patient communication is essential for providing high-quality care and achieving strong patient satisfaction in orthopedics. The right patient communication software can drop staff workloads and ensure patients receive timely and personalized care at every step. Keep reading to learn three key tips for maximizing the impact of patient communication software!

1. Customize Reminders to Reduce No-Shows

No-show appointments are costly for practices and disruptive to care both for the patients who originally booked that appointment and those waiting to get on their provider’s schedule. While reminders have become an essential piece of patient communication, not every practice has an approach that effectively reduces no-show rates. To drive real improvements, look for software that allows you to tailor reminder messaging, timing and communication methods. For example, older patients may prefer automated phone call reminders, while younger patients opt for texts or emails. By customizing appointment reminders, you can dramatically reduce no-shows.

The best reminder tools offer a range of features that help you personalize messages for each patient based on factors like their doctor, appointment type location and more. They also enable you to set up specific reminder sequences, ensuring patients receive multiple reminders before their visit without your staff having to send them manually. Additional reminders and a custom cadence for the messages sent, help ensure that patients receive their crucial heads up.

Essential features you need in a reminders tool to reduce no-shows:

  • Voice, email, and text send options (ensures patients get the message in a way that suits their communication preference!)
  • Additional reminder messages via email, text or voice.
  • Custom message cadences for additional reminders (ensure patients have more opportunities to see their critical reminder)
  • Custom messaging based on appointment filters like doctor, service type, and location (remind patients to fast before an appointment or bring in new insurance)
  • Personalization in reminder messages (so you can add your practice logo to emails and name to phone calls that way people see them as trustworthy and not spam!)


Adding appointment confirmation and modification links can also help you reduce no-shows! When patients can easily reschedule an appointment on the fly, rather than call your practice when they realize they can’t make it, you increase the likelihood of patients rescheduling while reducing no shows. Otherwise, without easy modification links, if patients realize they will have to call to reschedule or cancel, they likely won’t do it or forget, resulting in higher no-show rates.

Additionally, sending pre-check and clinical intake links via reminders can further streamline the patient registration process, getting them to their providers faster upon arrival. By incorporating additional reminders that encourage patients to complete their pre-check information, you can reduce wait times and improve overall intake efficiency. Find smart patient communication software that can help you customize your reminders and reduce no-shows!

2. Use All or Targeted Patient Messaging for Personalized Care

One-to-many patient messaging is a powerful tool that enables practices to send targeted communications to specific patient groups, personalizing care while saving staff time. By segmenting your patient population based on various criteria, you can deliver more relevant and impactful messages that resonate with each group’s specific needs and interests.

Key uses for targeted messaging include:

  • Sending immediate updates for urgent situations, such as office closures due to inclement weather or unexpected emergencies.
  • Alerting patients about potential traffic congestion around your office, ensuring they arrive on time for their appointments.
  • Notifying patients of last-minute practice or provider changes and providing scheduling links to easily rebook their appointments.
  • Reminding patients to pre-register or bring essential information to their visit, such as paperwork or an insurance card.
  • Reaching out to no-show patients with a personalized message and a convenient website link to reschedule their missed appointments.

When selecting software for targeted or all-patient messaging, look for a solution that simplifies the process of filtering your patient list and tailoring your message.Targeted messaging not only enhances patient engagement but also leads to more relevant and impactful communication. By delivering the right message to the right patient at the right time, you can foster a stronger connection with your patients and improve overall satisfaction and loyalty with your practice. See how you could benefit from robust patient messaging tools.

3. Automate Recalls for Timely Follow-Ups 

Orthopedic treatments often involve a series of appointments over an extended period, making it crucial for patients to adhere to their care plan. Automated recall messaging is an essential tool that helps ensure patients schedule and attend these critical follow-ups, keeping them engaged in their treatment and preventing gaps that could hinder their progress.

With the right software, you can automatically identify patients due for a follow-up and send them a friendly reminder to book their next appointment. To maximize the effectiveness of your recall strategy, look for a solution that allows you to customize the timing and frequency of messages based on factors like the appointment or service type. This level of personalization ensures that each patient receives relevant and timely communication tailored to their unique situation.

In addition to customizing the timing and frequency of recall messages, it’s essential to tailor the content of the messages themselves. By crafting personalized, patient-specific messages, you can foster a stronger connection with your patients and increase the likelihood that they will engage with the communication and take action.

To further streamline the process, make sure to provide patients with an easy way to schedule their follow-up appointments, such as a direct link to your online scheduling system. By reducing friction and making it simple for patients to book their next visit, you can improve adherence to treatment plans and ultimately achieve better outcomes.

Implementing an effective recall strategy not only benefits patients but also helps optimize your practice’s operational efficiency. By automating the follow-up process, you can free your staff from hours of manual recall calls, allowing them to focus on other critical tasks. This is particularly valuable if your practice is short-staffed or facing other resource constraints, as it ensures that you can maintain a consistent and reliable recall strategy without overburdening your team.

Unleash the Power of Patient Communication Software

Patient communication software is a game-changer for orthopedic practices looking to enhance patient engagement, minimize no-shows and cancellations, and streamline operations. By implementing a robust communication platform, you can create a seamless patient experience that fosters loyalty and satisfaction. Plus, by automating key communication tasks, you can free up your staff to focus on other tasks.

Clearwave continuously innovates its patient communication tools, enabling practices to keep patients in the loop without overburdening their already busy staff. From customizable appointment reminders and targeted messaging to automated recalls Clearwave has everything you need to optimize patient interactions and boost your bottom line.

Do you want to learn more patient communication tips you can implement today?  Download the guide 3 Ways To Use Patient Communications to Boost Revenue to get started!

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