Multi-Factor Eligibility™

Take the hassle, inaccuracy and lag time out of patient insurance eligibility checks with real-time verification, and get paid faster.

Health Insurance Verification Built to Boost Your Wallet

Faster Payment Determination, Collections and Reimbursement

Clearwave's Multi-Factor Eligibility™ drives cleaner data, reduced claim rejections and instant co-pay determination — meaning more money in your pocket. Don't just keep up, accelerate your cash flow while reducing the hours it takes for staff to verify insurance — you can even reallocate those FTE resources to other areas of the practice. Present the most accurate co-pay at every patient check-in, increasing collections by 112%, while reducing claim rejections by 94% and workloads by 2x.

Reduce Claim Rejections


Reduce Claim Rejections

Drive accuracy in claims processing to stop reimbursement challenges before they happen. Clearwave’s Mult-Factor Eligibility™ software automatically runs eligibility multiple times on every patient, including on the day of service, and can drill down to the plan level, showing staff only the information relevant to them. As a result, your practice never has stale insurance data and can correct errors faster, enabling you to reduce claim rejections. Practices have seen a 94% drop in claims rejections — putting profits back into their pocket!

  • 7x Verification to Reduce Errors: When practices only run eligibility once, 3-5 days before a patient appointment, they often face a higher rate of claim rejections due to data errors that were never spotted and corrected before claim submissions. Clearwave runs eligibility on average 7 times per patient engagement to catch insurance errors before they impact claim submissions, helping your practice increase reimbursement.
  • Auto-resubmit insurance without staff involvement: Clearwave automatically resubmits errored transactions with available patient data, increasing the number of active insurances returned and improving your ability to collect accurate co-pays and process clean claims — without burdening staff.
  • Saved Transaction Details: 271 transaction details and benefit information are stored for 12 months, giving you access to the information you need.

Save Hours of Time

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Save Hours of Staff Time

Free your staff from the time-consuming tasks associated with eligibility verification and reduce errors with greater data accuracy. Clearwave’s Multi-Factor Eligibility™ verification drops the time it takes to verify insurance by instantly determining all-patient benefits, meaning staff no longer have to confirm benefits on a patient-by-patient basis. With Clearwave’s presentation of data and simple flagging system, staff seamlessly narrow their focus only on the patients with insurance discrepancies that require their attention — dropping verification workloads by hours. The centralized scheduling view in the dashboard removes the need for staff to toggle between multiple payer portals or patient accounts. With time saved, practices can reallocate staff resources and FTE spending to other areas.

  • Payer-Appointment Mapping: Clearwave automatically maps payers to appointment types, matching and inputting the correct co-pay amount to patient accounts without staff involvement. 
  • Quick Resubmissions: Once staff update patient insurance to solve issues they can quickly resubmit insurance and see updates, all with the click of a button. This simple step also helps staff check insurance for back-end billing needs like claim submissions or global-period-of-care reimbursement.
  • Easy-to-use Dashboard: Clearwave normalizes the different payer responses and only presents the information that is relevant to your specific specialty. With one click, staff can drill into individual patient insurance information like remaining deductible, co-pay, plan name/type, conflicts between patient entry and payer response, Medicare/Medicaid and more.

Increase Co-Pay Collections


Increase Co-Pay Collections

Clearwave’s Multi-Factor Eligibility™ runs automatically and verifies insurance at every critical patient interaction to ensure coverage has not lapsed, all without added fees per transaction. Clearwave also automatically maps payers to appointment types, matching and inputting the correct co-pay amount to patient accounts — reducing manual errors and the need for refunds or future co-pay collection efforts. As a result, practices see immediate improvements to co-pay collection and no longer need to register at payer sites or send staff to call on patients or payers.

  • Present Co-Pays at Every Check-in: During registration, Clearwave will automatically present the most accurate co-pay to patients, meaning you can ask for payment at each check-in, helping you increase collections every day.

  • Reduce Refunds & Credits: With the most accurate eligibility engine on the market, your practice will reduce the challenges associated with collecting too little, too much or worse, not at all, at check-in.  
  • Quickly Determine Vision Co-Pays: Clearwave will determine when to collect from the Vision co-pay vs. medical, in real-time, to streamline collections and reimbursement for ophthalmology practices.

Boost Self-Pay & Medicaid Payments

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Boost Self-Pay & Medicaid Collection

Clearwave’s Multi-Factor Eligibility™ enables practices to check self-pay patients against Medicaid in real-time or in a batch each month. Clearwave also allows practices the option to set up custom self-pay rules that enable you to collect your desired self-pay amount at patient check-in, automatically. Increase reimbursement and make it simple, quick and easy for your practice to boost profits every day.

  • Simplify Collections: Collecting payments from self-pay and Medicaid patients shouldn't have to fall to the wayside, with Clearwave it won't. Clearwave provides the built-in insurance verification approach practices require to boost self-pay collection, automatically. 
  • Meet Your Unique Self-Pay Standards: Clearwave's flagging system and registration workflows can both be customized based on your practice's pre-determined self-pay collection process. Collect the way you always have, just digitally and without staff intervention.
  • Leverage the Most Connected Payer Network: Clearwave pulls insurance data from multiple clearing houses and has connections with over 900 payers, which means instant responses from over 95% of your payers.

Multi-Factor Insurance Eligibility Software Built to Fuel Practice Growth

Decrease in Claim Rejections by 94%
Accelerate Cash Flow by 65%
Reduce Staff Workload by 2X

Clearwave's Health Insurance Verification Benefits

Get Paid More & Drop Costs

Stop chasing down co-pays after patients come in for their appointments and reduce refunds, resubmissions and other overhead costs. Help your practice do more, with less staff involvement and billing setbacks — see what your practice is missing without Clearwave Multi-Factor Eligibility.

Accelerate (1)

Accelerate Self-Pay
Determination & Collection

Collect your desired self-pay amount at check-in by incorporating your unique, pre-determined self-pay rules into your automated approach.

Hand Holding Coins

Increase Collection From
Medicaid Patients

Clearwave Multi-Factor Eligibility enables practices to check self-pay patients against Medicaid, in real-time, helping you boost collections every day. 

Benefits (1)

Check Patient Benefits
During Scheduling

While patients self-schedule or talk to the call center, your practice will know if the patient's insurance is active and accurate, with real-time eligibility checks via Clearwave Scheduling.

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See All Patient Information
In One Simple View

Clearwave's dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of patient coverage details, enabling quick identification of insurance discrepancies through a user-friendly flagging system, allowing instant access to individual patient insurance information with a single click.

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Focus Solely On Patient
Insurance Discrepancies

Why have staff look into every single patient's insurance information, when you could focus them only on the patients with insurance issues that require action? With Clearwave, your staff can focus only on the patients with insurance discrepancies that demand their attention.

Responsibility (1)

Estimate Patient
Responsibility Instantly

Use real-time eligibility deductible information for estimations and determine patient responsibility up-front for scheduled services. See how you can build a click-of-a-button estimations approach!

See the Power of the Clearwave Dashboard

Reconciles today's patients in one single view.

See E&B Report, Co-pay, Data Conflicts and HMO Payers.

E&B data displays based on the service being performed.

Includes eligibility status and flags insurance errors.

Filters to show only the patients with eligibility exceptions.

Displays vision insurance and associated co-pay.

eligibility dashboard

“Our practice management system only got us 65% of the way to verification. Clearwave gets us 95% of the way there, which dramatically cuts down the burden on our front-desk staff.”

94% reduction

in claim rejections


savings from not having to resubmit claims


in new Lasik revenue

“Before Clearwave, our staff had to call patients prior to their appointment to ask for their co-pay, and we didn’t always get a straight answer, meaning we would collect too much or too little. Now, we have accurate co-pays that are proactively determined by Clearwave. We know exactly what to charge the patient when they come in and patients can make that payment on the kiosk during check-in.”

90% reduction

in check-in times


ongoing patient utilization of self-registration


copays collected monthly

“Since implementing Clearwave, we’ve seen an incredible return on our investment. Patients have effortlessly adapted to using kiosks. Our rejected claims have dropped by approximately 20%. Our point-of-service collections at the kiosk have increased by roughly 78%.”


reduction in claims rejections


increase in point-of-service collections


patient utilization at Clearwave Kiosks


We’re Stronger When We Support Each Other

High-growth practices choose technology solutions by evaluating price, fit and partnership. Your practice will grow further, faster with a vendor partner who CAREs about your outcomes, your challenges and your patients. At Clearwave, our experience working with medical practices of all sizes and across specialties has shaped our belief that we’re stronger when we support each other – that's why we provide clearwaveCARE. With a focus on building lifelong partnerships, your experience will go beyond technology to ensure you maximize value.

How Clearwave's Multi-Factor Eligibility Software Benefits Practices

CVG Reduces Claim Rejections & Improves Patient Experience

The CardioVascular Group (CVG) provides cardiology care across 9 locations with 19 physicians who see roughly 500 patients per day….

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Concord Orthopaedics Increases Self-pay Collections Through Estimations

With a high number of patients and new regulations around Good Faith Estimates, Concord Orthopaedics’ Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jennifer…

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Thomas Eye Group Case Study

Thomas Eye Group needed a solution to solve long waiting room lines, past due payments and errors in patient data…

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