Increase Patient Acquisition, Without Added Marketing Costs!

More Patients for Your Providers.

Accelerate patient acquisition at your practice with tools proven to help you increase overall bookings and premium service revenue.

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Patient Acquisition Tools for High-Growth Practices


Online Patient Self-Scheduling​

Get the most flexible solution on the market, capable of meeting your booking requirements and insurance policies, no matter the complexity and number of on-staff providers you have.

Online Patient Self-Scheduling

Go beyond appointment requests and instead successfully book patients 24/7, using online self-scheduling and a waitlist. Get auto-pilot scheduling that instantly updates in your PMS. Clearwave Scheduling automatically checks patient eligibility status during the booking process and alerts the patient if it's inactive, so they can make insurance updates right away. Patients can easily update demographic information, agree to financial policies and more, all during booking. Reduce phone traffic, keep provider schedules full and increase acquisition, without hefty marketing budgets or staff intervention.

Learn more about Online Patient Self-Scheduling »

Premium Service Upsell

Promote new services to existing patients based on demographics, without hefty advertising costs - right through Clearwave Registration.​

Premium Service Upsell

Increase premium service bookings for $0! Build patient awareness of new or premium services without bombarding them with ads. Simply allow your existing patients to opt-in to learn more about services that apply to them. Even target patients of interest, based on demographics like age, gender, service type and more! Our ophthalmology and dermatology clients use this feature to increase patient bookings for LASIK and Botox!

Learn more about Premium Service Upsell »

Rules-Based Patient Accelerator

Perfectly match patients with the right providers, at the right times, to create appointments that reflect providers’ preferences, maximize organizational efficiency and best address your patients’ needs.​

Rules-Based Patient Accelerator

We make online scheduling work for you, not against you! Clearwave Scheduling offers the most robust, rules-based patient accelerator that handles all appointment types and can be customized based on your nuanced workflows and complex booking requirements. Match provider needs and help patients book the right service, provider, location and time!

Learn more about Rules-Based Patient Accelerator »

Prospective Patient Marketing ​

Attract more patients than ever before. Accelerate patient acquisition while reducing costs by harnessing the combined power of Clearwave and SocialClimb.

Prospective Patient Marketing

See more patients than ever before. Accelerate patient acquisition, at lower costs, by leveraging the power of Clearwave and SocialClimb. Increase patient volume, their lifetime value and your bottom line.

Learn more about Prospective Patient Marketing »

Call Center Scheduling​

Decrease agent call-time by 70% and reduce new staff training time by 30%, bringing in more patients, without increased staff burdens.​

Call Center Scheduling

Using Clearwave Scheduling for Call Center, our customers have increased practice locations with no increase to call center volume or staffing costs. With our guided dialogue, Clearwave Call Center provides an interactive script specifically designed to collect information from patients. Agents simply input patients’ responses and our Rules-Based Patient Accelerator does the rest!

Learn more about Call Center Scheduling »

Waitlist Management​

Send appointment requests and book new patients to fill canceled or rescheduled slots without burdening your staff. ​

Waitlist Management

Combined with Clearwave Scheduling, our ‘NextUp’ waitlist gives your organization an automated tool to fill open time slots in a way that your patients are already familiar with. Automatically notify patients of openings and enable them to book on the spot to fill canceled or rescheduled slots, without burdening your staff.

Learn More about Waitlist Management »

Scheduling Analytics

Track the success of your marketing campaigns, new patient growth rates and more! Determine what marketing channels bring in the most patients and accurately calculate your ROI. ​

Scheduling Analytics

Leverage the power of Clearwave and SocialClimb together to increase patient bookings and track the return on your marketing investment. Review real-time dashboards that clearly show the success of your marketing campaigns by channel, see new patient conversion rates and more. Quickly determine which marketing efforts bring in the most patients and calculate your return on investment so you can adjust your strategies as needed!

Learn more about Scheduling Analytics »

Appointment Confirmations

Minimize no-shows and improve punctuality with smart Appointment Confirmations. Automatically open last-minute slots to other patients. Clearwave makes it happen!​

Appointment Confirmations

Via Clearwave Reminders, patients can easily confirm/cancel/reschedule appointments in seconds. These timely messages help patients show up on-time or avoid no-showing altogether. When patients opt to cancel/reschedule, Clearwave will automatically open those times up to other patients, helping you maximize provider schedules.

Learn more about Appointment Confirmation »

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